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Nadav Hames


Hi there! I am a software developer and amateur musician. I will update this site periodically with various things I am working on. Feel free to have a look around! -Nadav



MyMusic - A Windows desktop application that allows the user to manage songs on their usb/mp3 player(s) and easily search for, preview, and download new songs directly to the device. C# UWP WinUI3 MVVM Visual Studio

Tavim - A collaborative music notation editor, renderer built from the ground up. SMuFL compliant. Under active development, demo coming soon. With Jonah Dlin.
React Mobx Typescript SMuFL

Algorithmics Animation Workshop - A development platform that aids in creating visualizations of algorithms and data structures for educational purposes. Hosted by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at York University in Toronto. With Jay Karon.
d3.js Typescript Webpack Bootstrap Jquery

Steam Game Analytics - A utility aiming to provide accurate time series gaming analytics. Sources data from gaming platforms and news outlets including the Steam Store, Youtube, and Pcgamer. Completed for Big Data Systems course at York University.
Python Docker Flask Spark Pandas Bootstrap

Hoodie - Hoodie enables users to apply advanced spatial analysis techniques when looking for a new place to rent. Made for the ESRI App Challenge.